Ananyaa Arvind’s Final Reflections on CMC
First, I’d like to thank the CMC and the SBTRC for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful experience filled with learning, creativity, and growth. When I first started this internship, I thought that I would simply learn about marketing strategies, but I was able to learn about so much more, including how to write a project report, how to research and cold call companies, as well as how to make products stand out to investors.
“When I first started this internship, I thought that I would simply learn about marketing strategies, but I was able to learn about so much more, including how to write a project report, how to research and cold call companies, as well as how to make products stand out to investors.”
At the beginning of the internship, we found out that the whole point of the Woodall Project was to make hydrogen (fuel) and corundum, which would not only sell at below current market prices but also be a much more green way to get the materials of the future. I was on the team that was researching corundum: the main producers and competitors for our project and the different purities (4N, 5N, and 6N). After getting a good look at these specific types of corundum, we began to look into their uses, especially in the ever-growing fields of sapphire glass, LED’s, and semi-conductors. We realized that corundum, especially at the lower prices that we would be selling at, would turn over a huge profit to the company that made the Woodall Reactor, so we immediately reported our findings. Then, we met with the creator of the reactor himself, Dr. Jerry Woodall, who not only more effectively explained the whole project, but also clarified many of the questions that we had about the scope and scale of the project. We are now compiling a report of the entire project and all our findings so that we can present this project to any interested investors. The idea that I, someone with almost no skills in the business and marketing department before this internship, am now making an actual business plan, is incredibly telling of the growth that I have experienced.
Throughout this project, I not only learned time management and self-motivational skills, but also the skills needed to run a business and propose a plan one day. This was incredibly helpful, and I absolutely loved the experience and the people that I met.